Small Laundry Bag (Grey with Colored Piping)

Monogram Options Guide
Monogram Guide

For Standard Monograms, we have the following font styles for you to choose from:


For Premium Monograms, we have the following styles for you to choose from.

Please indicate the initials as you wish to appear on the monogram. By convention, the surname's initial is the letter in the middle of all premium monograms. For example, John Doe Smith will show as "JSD" in the product with the "S" for Smith appearing higher than the first and middle name initials.




No more plastic bags for dirty clothes! Our travelling laundry bags are lined with watre repellent material for wet or dry clothes, and have handles for easy use.

Monogram available on order.

They are made with fine striped polyester blend fabric. Comes in grey with different-colored piping.

Dimensions: Small - 14” x 18”


Accent Color
fuchsia pink
apple green